Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'M BAAAACK! with a new email address,

I"m baaack! after being severely hacked and digitally bludgeoned by someone capturing my identity and sending out a plea for money in my name--it wasn't me!  I never did learn to ask for money very well. I will have to do without whatever mail was sent to me in the last two weeks.  My new email is

My old blog, is still online, but I cannot get into it to add to it or to make any changes.  It's written in stone, as they say.  The last entry was a story about a chili cookoff with Tom Torlakson in Martinez, but the hack attack came immediately following my online purchase of a ticket to the Rockets first home game.  I knew something was wrong because the ticket order displayed my credit card number instead of showing it in stars.  They sent out a letter to everyone in my address book that I had gone to Spain and lost everything and was broke, and please send money.  I did not send that.  And so far no one has sent me any money.  I cancelled my credit card as soon as one of my guardian angels called me up and told me what had happened.  I do not know if it has anything to do with the current NBA lockout.  The Rockets are an ABA team.   I can't get too worked up about a little online identity theft, when I have seen people dying from cancer and being thrown out of work by the recession and all that.  It's just extremely inconvenient.

 I was really motivated to get back online because I attended a very significant event which was the signing party for the new Richmond Rockets basketball team.  I know from nothing about basketball, but my job as a substitute teacher in P.E. was to hand the kids the basketball, so I know how important it is to them.  Live and learn, I always say.  Now if I can just learn and remember the names and positions of the team members, I will have been doing well  this first season.  I already know the name of the head coach.  He's either Lamar Baker or Lamar Johnson.

Also I hope to publish here on this blog some photos I have been taking on assignment in the photojournalism class at Contra Costa College, plus some publicity for my jewelry, face painting and other projects.  Please stay in touch.

Yours truly,

Jean Womack
Richmond, California

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